Weard’Ale is a one-man operation, based in the cellar of the Hare and Hounds, Westgate, County Durham. Brewing began in late 2010. Beers were initially available only “in-house”, but the brewery is now occasionally supplying other Weardale pubs. As well as the Hare of the Dog bitter (3.8%), there is Colin’s Bitter and Twisty (3.8%), a hoppier version called Top Dog, and a summer beer called Ginger Cock (3.8%) which is named after the pub’s recently retired Buff Orpington cockerel George. Landlord and brewer Colin Stubbs continues experimentation with both the level and type of hops used. The brewing capacity has recently been increased because of the popularity of the beers at the Hare and Hounds, and also because of their success at local beer festivals. This should see beers available in other Weardale pubs in the near future. The first beer brewed at the newly-enlarged brewery was Easy Going, so called because of its low (3.2%) ABV. This beer is a hoppy golden ale with citrus and grapefruit notes. It is expected to return as a 3.8% ABV beer in the summer.