There are several breweries in the branch area, ranging from recently-founded one-man efforts to well-established small breweries. For information about a specific brewery, please click the name below. A list of current Liaison Officers can be found on the Brewery Liaison Officers page. We have also found a copy of an "Independent Breweries" leaflet that was published by the North East Region of CAMRA back in 1993. At that time the region (i.e. Tyneside & Northumberland, Durham, Cleveland, Darlington, and Sunderland & South Tyneside Branches) had just 11 independent breweries - a number now surpassed by the Durham Branch alone! Click here to download the leaflet.

Caps OffCastle EdenConsett Ale WorksThe Durham BreweryGearge Samuel Brewing CoHill Island MicrobreweryHopper House Brew FarmMcColl'sWeard'ALE BreweryYard of Ale Brewing Company

Details of other breweries with current links to the branch are provided here.