In addition to the Committee, the Branch has several Brewery Liaison Officers (BLOs) who represent breweries in the Branch area, maintaining communication between these breweries and CAMRA.

Our current BLOs are:

Caps OffPaul Dobson(email)
Castle Eden:Arthur Corner(email)
Consett Ale WorksSandra Wilkinson(email)
Durham BreweryPeter Jones(email)
George SamuelPaul Dobson(email)
Hill Island MicrobreweryChris Mansfield(email)
Hopper House Brew FarmPeter Jones(email)
McColl'sPaul Dobson(email)
North PierPaul Dobson(email)
WeardALE BreweryPaul Dobson(email)
Yard of Ale Brewing CompanyArthur Corner(email)